Bridge Directing and the Laws of Duplicate Bridge made easier, bridge director handbook, bridge director book, bridge directors exam, bridge rules
The Director, Please! book is an invaluable tool for any bridge director wanting to keep the laws of duplicate bridge at their fingertips. It will help aspiring directors to better understand and learn the bridge director rules for their director's exam, all directors will find it very useful as a bridge directors handbook to the bridge director rules in order to expertly direct a bridge directors handbook.
The bridge director rules are brought together, put in the chronological order of a bridge session from the bridge director's point of view (finding the right bridge director rules such as the bridge directors handbook, the Play, Scoring) and the bridge director rules are explained with reference to the bridge director rules in question. Some points regarding bridge director rules are labelled.

"The essential guide to Duplicate Bridge sessions for Club Directors"
Size A5 - 77 pages - 2017 Laws
The Director, Please! book is an invaluable tool for any bridge director wanting to keep the laws of duplicate bridge at their fingertips. It will help aspiring directors to better understand and learn what they need to know for their director's exam, all directors will find it very useful as a quick reference to many bridge laws in order to expertly direct a Club session.
The laws are brought together, put in the chronological order of a bridge session from the bridge director's point of view (finding the right Movement, Generalities, the Auction, the Play, Scoring) and explained with reference to the law number in question. Some points are specially labelled and can be used to educate the players about the bridge laws from their point of view.
Each subject fits into one or two pages so as to minimise the search for the necessary information. Thanks to the use of colours and symbols, a clear and quick ruling can be reached at the table.
AUD $ 24.95 plus postage and handling*
* Note: Postage and handling prices quoted are for delivery WITHIN AUSTRALIA only.
For orders to New Zealand, the United States, Canada and Europe please contact me directly here.
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"The 9 most common bridge calls explained to Budding Directors."
Size A5 - 17 pages - 2017 Laws
"The Budding Director" is a simplification of the 9 most common calls for someone wanting to have a feeling of what the laws of Duplicate Bridge are about in a club setting. To keep matters simple, only the main parts of those laws have been addressed and many of their ramifications have been ignored on purpose.
AUD $ 9.95 plus postage and handling*
* Note: Postage and handling prices quoted are for delivery WITHIN AUSTRALIA only.
For orders to New Zealand, the United States, Canada and Europe please contact me directly here.
For a full list of postage and handling prices to ship anywhere click here.

"The laws of Duplicate Bridge from a player's perspective."
Size A5 - 46 pages - 2017 Laws
This manual explains all the main points of the laws of duplicate bridge form the perspective of the bridge player. A player who is knowledgeable about the laws will know the choices the director will offer them, and will be better prepared and able to choose the alternative which is in their best interest. Common mistakes made at the table out of ignorance could easily be avoided if only players knew what they may and may not do.
This guide is divided into chapters relating to specific circumstances all players will recotgnise (being dummy, claiming, the insufficient bid, etc). It also gives a basic description of the most common movements players will encounter, and has some information about scoring.
Thanks to the use of colours and concise explanations the laws of bridge become clear and demystified.
AUD $ 14.95 plus postage and handling*
* Note: Postage and handling prices quoted are for delivery WITHIN AUSTRALIA only.
For orders to New Zealand, the United States, Canada and Europe please contact me directly here.
For a full list of postage and handling prices to ship anywhere click here.