Bridge Directing and the Laws of Duplicate Bridge made easier, bridge director handbook, bridge director book, bridge directors exam, bridge rules
Josephina wrote this bridge directors handbook. Keywords: bridge director book, bridge directors handbook, laws of duplicate bridge made easier, bridge directors exam, bridge director rules

Josephina is a club director and has been a member of the Cairns Bridge Club in North Queensland, Australia since 2006.
She wrote DIRECTOR, PLEASE! from the need to obtain a clearer understanding of several Bridge Laws on a specific subject in order to prepare for the Bridge Director's Exam and to confidently direct a club session.
The idea for writing DIRECTOR, SPEAK ENGLISH PLEASE! came when she
was asked by her Bridge Club to explain some of the laws of duplicate bridge to the club's players so that they would better understand them, especially the ones where the players have to choose from a number of options given by the director.
She is a translator and teaches several foreign languages. She and her husband live in Cairns and have three adult children.