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Bridge director rules

The bridge director book to find one's way through the laws of duplicate bridge, whether as bridge director handbook) for bridge directors exam or as a player (bridge directors handbook), laws of duplicate bridge made easier).


Aspiring bridge directors handbook structured framework of bridge director rules with this bridge director book to prepare for the bridge directors exam, and directors are able to use the bridge directors handbook reach a clear and quick ruling at the table.


Players finally have a clearer understanding of the laws of duplicate bridge made easier, helping them choose options in their best interest when a ruling gives them choices, and helping them with their bridge directors handbook.


The DIRECTOR, PLEASE! Bridge Directing Book Series


Perfect to find one's way through the laws of duplicate bridge, whether as a director (DIRECTOR, PLEASE!), as a player (DIRECTOR, SPEAK ENGLISH PLEASE!) or as a potential director (THE BUDDING DIRECTOR).


Aspiring directors have a concise and structured framework to prepare for their director's exam, and directors are able to reach a clear and quick ruling at the table.


Players finally have a clearer understanding of the laws, helping them choose options in their best interest when a ruling gives them choices, and helping them maximise equity in the game.

Bridge directors handbook

Pedantry and mastery are opposite attitudes towards rules.

To apply a rule to the letter, rigidly, unquestioningly, in cases where it fits and in cases where it does not fit, is pedantry...

To apply a rule with natural ease, with judgement, noticing the cases where it fits, and without ever letting the words of the rule obscure the purpose of the action or the opportunities of the situation, is mastery.

George Polya, mathematician (1887-1985)


Laws of duplicate bridge made easier

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